
Persones i tecnologia: El secret d’una hoteleria més atractiva – Innovació a les cuines: Cuines de connectivitat

The Horeca Hub RRHH

Dilluns 18, 18:20h - 18:45h | Hall 6 | The Horeca Hub – Main Stage
18-03-2024 18:20 18-03-2024 18:45 Europe/Madrid Persones i tecnologia: El secret d’una hoteleria més atractiva – Innovació a les cuines: Cuines de connectivitat

Artificial Intelligence is one of the great supports in people management in hospitality. Companies that commit to intelligent implementation of technology in their Human Resources departments and management will win the day.

Hall 6 | The Horeca Hub – Main Stage

Artificial Intelligence is one of the great supports in people management in hospitality. Companies that commit to intelligent implementation of technology in their Human Resources departments and management will win the day.


