
Javier Sanchez

Global Business Development Director, OOH&Usage | Kantar Worldpanel
Javier Sanchez


Conference | The Horeca Hub

Imagine foodservice. Current and future consumer in Foodservice

Javier Sanchez
Javier Sanchez Kantar Worldpanel Global Business Development Director, OOH&Usage Speaker

20-03-2024 11:00 20-03-2024 11:25 Europe/Madrid Imagine foodservice. Current and future consumer in Foodservice

The consultant Javier Sanchez will talk about the main trends in restaurant consumption, as well as the main areas of sectorial growth for the next two years in terms of categories, targets and consumption moments. He will also analyse the future of the catering service and the different possible options, taking into account sustainability and hygiene.

Hall 6 | The Horeca Hub – Talks Stage 2
Wed 20 11:00h - 11:25h Hall 6 | The Horeca Hub – Talks Stage 2